Join this unique self-leadership retreat to uncover your “golden thread”, your true passion and purpose, and start living from a place of heart-centred authenticity.
Cultivating self-leadership and finding our true passion, purpose, and path in life can be a real challenge, especially in today’s rapidly changing world. As life evolves quickly around us, it’s easy to feel stuck in the same place or overwhelmed by the seemingly endless choices available. Many times we do not know how to handle strong emotions, anxiety, or the need for more rest. Often, we know what we want from life but don’t know how to get there: unsure of which steps to take next or the right questions to ask ourselves. This unique retreat is designed to support your quest towards authentic self-leadership: you’ll get clear on what matters to you most, find out what’s holding you back, and embark on a deep and joyful journey to discover who you really are.
23-27 August 2023
Seminarhaus Taubenblau, Ernst-Thälmann-Straße 9, 16248 Lunow-Stolzenhagen, Germany
(etwa 1,5 Stunden mit Zug oder Auto von Berlin entfernt)
Anzahl Der Plätze: 20
Wir haben Tausende von Unternehmern unterstützt, achtsamere und effektivere Führungskräfte zu werden, ihr Leben bedeutsamer zu gestalten und ein tiefes Gefühl für die Verbindung mit sich selbst und anderen zu entwickeln.
Discover what you really want in life… and then go get it!
Using different techniques from mindfulness, yoga, and meditation, as well as coaching, self-inquiry tools, and emotional and body awareness methods, this retreat will unlock your inner wisdom, reignite your intuition and capacity for self-leadership, and explore your personal superpowers to help you to find out what makes your heart truly shine. You’ll also benefit from some much-needed “you-time”: a space to unwind, take care of your needs, and spend time doing what relaxes and nurtures you most. This is a rare opportunity to go deeply within and listen to your inner voice. You’ll go home with answers to some important life questions, an effective toolkit to help realize your dreams, and uncover the golden thread that runs through your life and will help you navigate even stormy weather.
Yoga and Meditation
Integrate what you’ve learnt
Create an effective morning routine
Meet like-minded people
Enjoy healthy vegetarian
Immerse yourself in a peaceful environment
time with yourself
time with yourself
Participate in group ceremonies and celebrations
Take a break from your normal work-life routine
Discover what authentic self-leadership truly means to you. Together, we’ll use a combination of cognitive and intuitive tools, reflective practices, and self-inquiry methods to access your innate wisdom and unlock your inner knowing. You’ll experience mindfulness, yoga, and meditation, emotional and body awareness methods, coaching techniques, group exercises, ceremonies and more. The retreat is organised in a highly flexible and intuitive way, offering you bespoke tools and powerful action plans that allow you to realize your dreams and bring your aspirations to life.
"when you allow your purpose to lead you, you have a leadership that is stronger than any situation."
- Mounira Latrache
This retreat is for anyone wishing to align with their true passion and purpose and bring more joy and meaning into their life.
Dieses Retreat ist für dich, wenn du:
- connect to your inner compass, rediscover your direction, and start navigating towards the life you’ve always wanted;
- bring your life and career to a place that feels more authentic and true to you
- rest, recalibrate, and enjoy some much-needed “you time”;
- become an effective changemaker who transforms the way we work and do business and who leads with compassion and inspiration;
- rekindle the flame in your heart so you can shine brightly in the world and let go of old patterns and limitations
Mounira Latrache: Mounira brings 15+ years of leadership experience at international brands like Google, Red Bull, and BMW. Mounira was a pioneer of Google’s mindfulness community and its success led her to teach mindfulness at other companies across the globe. Mounira is also a qualified yoga teacher, an internationally certified Search Inside Yourself trainer, and she gives mindfulness and compassion keynotes and trainings all over the world.
Angel Hernandez: Angel is an entrepreneur, an international expert in co-creative project development, and an experienced Search Inside Yourself trainer. Over the last 10+ years he has supported individuals, groups, and organizations to overcome their challenges and connect with their true values, purpose, and vision. As an expert in creating mindful cultures through co-creative processes, he helps start-ups, social entrepreneurs, and organizations to transform by using innovative learning organization models. At the heart of Angel’s work lies his ability to combine digital concepts with mindfulness practice.
Alle Events
We help people discover what works for them and support them to develop their own approaches to work and life.
We believe in being our authentic selves: for us this means living our strengths and embracing our weaknesses.
We’re committed to a path of continuous learning and growth, and we’ll share our insights and experiences with you through our work.
We value open hearts as well as open minds and explore the spaces where both can be free to thrive.
We celebrate diversity and respect the unique individuality of each person.
We aim to serve a higher purpose through our work: bringing more peace into a turbulent world, more heart into work, and more brightness and meaning into life.
Do I need any previous experience before coming on this retreat?
In Zen we practice something called “beginner’s mind”, which refers to an attitude of openness, eagerness, and a lack of preconceptions when studying a subject, just as a beginner would. This retreat is open to anyone willing to dive deeply into themselves, and no previous experience is necessary. We simply invite you to bring your beginner’s mind!
Wie wird dieses Retreat mein Leben verändern?
Each one of us has a unique purpose in life. When we discover it, life ceases to be a struggle as even potential obstacles can be transformed into welcome challenges or nuggets of gold, there only to show us new opportunities for growth.
Werde ich Zeit und Raum für mich haben?
We highly value time and space for self-reflection and integration, so the answer is YES! Since this retreat takes place at a beautiful location, you’ll be encouraged to really connect with the surrounding nature and let yourself be nurtured by the elements.
Once I’ve been on the retreat and found my passion and purpose… what’s next?
Our retreat program is designed to let the different experiences sink into each cell of your body so you can deeply integrate and embody them. We’ll work on questioning old belief patterns, reprogramming your system, and going for your heart’s truest calling. You’ll leave with answers to some important life questions, gain support and inspiration from other people in the group, and receive practical tools and insights so that you can start making your dreams a reality.
If you have any other questions, connect with us here
Über Connected Business
Wir helfen Individuen und Organisationen, mehr Achtsamkeit und Mitgefühl in ihre täglichen Unternehmensinteraktionen zu bringen. Unser Ziel ist es, eine verbundene, nachhaltige, faire, liebevolle und vielfältige Gemeinschaft von Menschen aufzubauen, die mit Leidenschaft bei ihrer Arbeit sind. Dafür wollen wir eine achtsame und inklusive Führungskultur inspirieren. Werde jetzt Teil unserer globalen Bewegung!
Rücktrittsbedingungen und Umbuchung
Falls eine Abmeldung unvermeidbar ist, fallen unabhängig von Grund und Anlass die folgenden Stornierungsgebühren an:
- Bis vier Wochen vor Kursbeginn gibt es Anspruch auf eine vollständige Rückerstattung
- Bei Abmeldung ab vierter Woche vor Kursbeginn 50% der Kursgebühr
- Bei Abmeldung in den letzten acht Tagen die gesamte Kursgebühr.
Nach Eingang deiner Abmeldung erhältst du von uns eine Rechnung über die anfallende Stornogebühr mit Bitte um Überweisung auf unser Konto. In Härtefällen kannst du eine Anfrage auf Ermäßigung der Gebühren direkt an die Geschäftsleitung richten.
Die Rückgabe erfolgt über Eventbrite und wird innerhalb von 15 Tagen nach der Absage durchgeführt.
Eine Umbuchung ist bis zwei Wochen vor Kursbeginn möglich.
Bei Fragen wende Dich gerne an:
Bitte reise am ersten Tag um 11 Uhr an und die Abreise beginnt ab 15 Uhr.
Gesundes vegetarisches Essen und genügend Getränke wird täglich angeboten.
Connected Business glaubt an gelebte Großzügigkeit. Mit dem Kauf einer Eintrittskarte unterstützt du ein Stipendien für Personen, die sich den vollen Preis für eine Eintrittskarte nicht leisten können. Solange noch Plätze verfügbar sind, kannst du dich für ein solches Stipendium oder einem ermäßigten Preis bewerben. Bitte bewerbe dich hier.